Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well, today was a very non-productive day. Had to be at the hospital this morning at 7:30 am for a PETCT. This is a test they do to see if there are any more cancer cells in Michael's body other than what we already know is there. We got there in plenty of time, received the normal paperwork, completed it, and turned it in to the lady at the desk. In about 5 minutes they called me to the desk and advised me that they had a problem. She told me that the insurance company had not okayed the PETCT or the MRV that was scheduled this afternoon and they had a block on them until our doctor called the insurance company and advised them as to why he had requested them. We went to the main lobby and sat until about 11:00 am when they called us back and said everything had been okayed. We had a dental appointment at 12:00noon and the MRV was scheduled for 1;30pm and was to last about three hours. We got to the MRV clinic at 1:25 pm and about 2:15 they had Michael report to the examining room and dressed him in scrubs for the test. We sat in the waiting room until 4:30pm when I decided that I needed to find out why we were still there and everyone else had already gone that had come in after we did. They advised they did not have our paperwork.....Long story short, they had lost our paperwork. They finally took Michael back at 4:35pm and he was gone about 15 minutes when he came out and said he was finished. He was in so much pain, he couldn't lay on the table and so they canceled the scan. At that point we had been at the clinic for some 10 hours without anything to eat. I was nice about it and told them things happen, and then they started promising me the world. Oh well, we will have the PETCT done at 11:30 am tomorrow and then a review with Dr. Ravi on Friday morning regarding all of the scans, MRI's and bloodwork to see if we are going to start chemo on Friday. Sure would like to come home this weekend, but probably won't get to. Take care and say your prayers.......Love in Him,

Terri and Michael

We have free calling after 7:00pm each night if you all would like to call. Cell phone number is 940-564-6220....

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I've been praying for you for strength, endurance, patience and healing. Sounds like we need to increase it just a little; at least the patience part. Dear Michael, I know it is hard but stay strong. We all love you bunches. Juda and the rest of the Mings
