Well, we had lab work done today and the white count went up to 400 from 300 on Wednesday and the platelet count went down to 99 from 173. We should see these increasing the next few days and hopefully will be up enough for another round of chemo come May 11th. He has had a pretty inactive couple of days as he is very fatigued and doesn't stray too far from the bed or couch. The weather here is beautiful today with just enough humidity to make it sticky and the mosquitoes to try to attack. We are staying in the house due to all the excitement of the swine flu.......I need to get some more antibacterial hand sanitizer but you can't find it in the stores anywhere. Will write more later. About time for another round of meds. I'm getting pretty good at dispensing all the drugs.

It was certainly hard to see Wanda and Ronnie Stroud say goodbye for a while, although Michael said they deserved it since they had been here for 7 weeks. We would have liked to have jumped in their suitcases and made the trip with them. Ronnie is doing well and has gone home to get some R & R before being under the knife. It has really been great to get to see them periodically. Kinda makes me feel like I am home working. They have been a tremendous blessing to us and encouragers. Thanks guys!

Thanks for thinking and praying for us......We should would like to make a trip home, but guess we need to obey dr.'s orders.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Terri,
    Just checking in. Glad to hear Michael is getting some much needed R & R. Hope you are as well. It has been kind of nice here as well. It seems the world has just stopped for the flu. I don't understand it exactly, but sure not complaining about the free time it has allowed us. Keep on keeping on and thanks so much for the updates. Missy
