Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Third day of third round is history. Michael is beginning to feel
the effects of the chemo. Slept while they gave him the
pre-meds today and the other medications before they inserted
the 'red devil' to bring home. I should say he slept when he
not going to the restroom. They gave him a big bag of Lasix to
get some of the fluid off since he had put on so much weight
since Monday. Boy! Did it ever come off. He kept me hopping
disconnecting the IV pumps so he could travel down the hall.
He has all the nurses now fighting over whose patient he is
going to be that day. They like him because he is so polite,
positive and never complains about anything. "It's all good",
he tells them. We pray that the next few days will be as easy
as they can be..hopefully no fever and no emergency room.
The are now giving him meds for the hiccups since he has them
a big part of the time. When he has them, his chest hurts.
The time is coming for the Neulasta shot which makes him
feel like he has the flu...he is dreading it! God is slowly
removing the "devil out of his system". God Bless you all.
Love, Terri and Michael

1 comment:

  1. Congrats michael on finishing round 3! You are rocking and rolling buddy! Thanks teri for all the great blog updates the blog ok looks awesome. Enjoy having that backpack off!

    Your md anderson bud,

