Saturday, August 1,2009`

Things are going okay here in Houston. Our counts continue to be a concern with the MD Anderson team of doctors. Even after all the shots, they still continue to get lower, lower, and lower. We had two more units of blood last night and a bag of platelets and bloodwork today which proved the blood and platelets did NOTHING. He had a fainting spell a while ago and nearly scared me to death, but is fine now. This is the second one of these he has had.


  1. Happy Monday!!! Hope this is the beginning of a new and healthy week....this chemo stuff is not playing very glad there are just 3 left...hang in there...any news on how counts are looking???? Keep us posted and we love ya'll


  2. Praying that the counts will come up soon and Michael will regain some of his strength. Thinking of you both and hoping that y'all have a good week.

