Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today began with us arriving at the hospital at 8:00am for the CVC line insertion. First of all it usually takes about 45 minutes and today it took 2 hours. I was beginning to get a little uneasy about the time factor when the head nurse came and called me into the room where Michael was lying. His pulse rate on the machine was 177 and she advised she was a little worried about it. Said she had checked it manually and had not noted any irregular beats or skipped beats. She let us go to x-ray for the picture to make certain the line was not hooked on the end. Said his veins are very difficult to put a line in. Said they weren't hardly large enough for the catheter to be inserted. We went back to the hospital tonight to start our round 7 of chemo. Was there about 4 hours and chemo was never started. They advised that Dr. Ravi had ordered a liver test due to Michael's white count being up in such a short period of time. They called Dr. Ravi and he advised to have blood work done and then results would determine if we could start chemo tomorrow. Seems like the longer we are here, the harder it gets. Seems like there are a lot of curves these days instead of straight roads. My oh my, just wish the "Wip" was still around to be with us through all of this. Maybe he saw the hand writing on the wall and couldn't take it.....ha! I'm beginning to wonder if I am strong enough to make it to the end....I'm beginning to feel as old as I am plus about 20 years. As Ronnie Stroud would tell Michael, keep on keeping on. ......

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