Tuesday, September 29,.2009

Today started off with blood work at the hospital this morning. Michael ran fever last night, but refused to go to the hospital e.r. Come to find out, he has mouth sores again which is probably causing the fever at night. We just can't get our platelet count up where it needs to be. Yesterday, platelets were 19 and today they are back down to 6. Had to go to the hospital this afternoon to have a bag of platelets. Hopefully these will help. This is the most platelets we have had to inject since starting this journey. We have had 4 units of blood and 6 units of platelets this cycle. Michael is so tired and worn out ........doesn't want to go to the hospital and his attitude needs some adjustments. I guess if I had been poked and prodded as much as he has in the last 6 months, my attitude would be bad also; probably worse than his. We are just ready to get this over with and get our life back to normal.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that it's rough going, but praying and trusting that better days are just around the corner! Hang in there & remember we are thinking of you & praying for you every day.
