Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just received a call from the triage nurse regarding blood counts today. Just wish I could sneak some of my old tired blood in the tube for his. White blood count has dropped to 1.4 and hemoglobin has dropped to 7.5 and I wasted my money on the T-Bone he had for lunch yesterday as it didn't move the platelets any....they are still at 12. I guess money isn't wasted as they did't go DOWN. She advised me that the bone marrow just is not there any longer.....but then we don't know why they go up one day and back down or blow what they were the previous day. Looks like we will have to stay in Houston longer than we had hoped....See the doctor tomorrow to see what is on our plate the next month or so. God is still in control.

Keep on praying.....we are going to win this new battle.......Go Michael!
Love to all, Terri and Michael

1 comment:

  1. Michael I hope everything turns out for the best.

    Russell Moore
