Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Greetings from Home! We are trying to ready ourselves to make the trip back to Houston. We are counting the days until we have to go back........8 fast moving days. We have really enjoyed our time at home and at work. It certainly is nice to be back in a normal routine and having control of our lives. Hopefully when we get back and have a PETScan done next Thursday, everything will be inactive and they will send us home again. We would love to be home for the holidays, but aren't getting our hopes up too much. Guess I can cook Thanksgiving Dinner in Houston as well as in Olney. Michael is feeling great and actually has hair growing again. Take a look at the red-head on the blog page, because from what it looks like, he is going to be a blonde. He says he likes the shaved look so well, he is going to keep it shaved, but I really doubt that! Pray that his body can continue to heal and we don't have to have any more treatments now or ever! God is still on His Throne and taking care of His own. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

1 comment:

  1. whats up brother, hope you have enjoyed your time off from the ol grind. Praying for good results on your upcoming scans. Glad you are getting some hair back, I got my hair all back with this lower dosage that I am on....anyways good luck with the upcoming trip....

