Well, things are still going pretty smooth down south. Michael has slept all morning. Looks like sleeping beauty but I am certain she doesn't snore like he is. The pain in his leg has subsided somewhat this morning, but then they are also giving him breakthrough pain medication for the severe pain. We would certainly like to see some familiar faces. The road we are traveling is very bumpy and snakey but Michael is in the GREAT PHYSICIANS care and we are expecting the best. We are anxious to see if his body is reacting to the chemo the way it should, but it will be a while before that will be known. The nurse practitioner was in and said his kidney function is still good, no side effects of concern, and attitude is wonderful (I just wish mine was). We have an appointment with the SS administration office by phone tomorrow at 12:45pm. Hopefully will get some help from them.

The nurse practitioner just came in and told us everything is looking well. Michael is retaining more water than he should but his kidneys are functioning the way they should. Said all of his bloodwork is looking good but will probably start going down beginnning the seventh day through the ninth day. Will have to keep an eye on his temperature and he may possibly have to have a blood transfusion depending on his counts during that time. Pray that God will give us the patience that we need to get through this. Sometimes our patience runs a little thin, so we need to be lifted up regarding this. Thanks to Bro. Andy and all the folks that called and lifted us up on a day that we really needed it. After you called Michael's room, he said, " It was certainly good to hear from my friends and Andy."

Gotta run........


  1. It's good to know that things are going pretty good with only a few bumps in the road. I hope the nausea will decrease and if not the medicine will make it go away or at least be better. You've got to take care of yourself (I know you don't have time, etc.....but you must!) If you don't who is going to take care of Michael?? Rest. Fresh fruit. Tylenol or Ibuprobhen. Fluids. You know the deal.... Now just DO IT. I'm off my soap box.
    Prayers for you both tonight and tomorrow.

  2. Hello Lady,
    Oh do I know your road is difficult. I also know you would do anything for that young man there beside you. That includes keeping the faith and making the most of each day. That will be really hard some days, but you don't have the choice to let this get you down. I don't know Juda, but she is a wise women and she gave you some great advice. When Michael sleeps, you sleep! Wish I could send Olney to you, but that is the down side of having to travel for the best care. Find comfort in knowing you are in their thoughts daily and they would give you the world right now if they could. God be with you Terri, every minute and every hour of every day in every way. Much Love, Missy.
