Another long day at the hospital

We thought this round was going to go as well as the first round,
but boy, were we mistaken. After the ordeal in the emergency room
on Wednesday night and early Thursday morning, we were looking
forward to a nice quiet Thursday and Friday. Michael's temperature
went up and down Thursday the better part of the day. His temperature
went up to 102.2 about 4:35 pm and I called the triage nurse and
she said it was okay since they had already started him on Augmentin and Cipro
for infection. His temperature did not get any higher and actually
came down before bedtime. Came to the hospital this morning for
a visit with a doctor in the internal medicine department for
a followup on the ER visit. Said his chemo had bottomed out his
magnesium and white blood count was bottomed out. He wants me
to give him blood if I match so he won't have to have another
persons blood he doesn't know . I will oblige to his desires
if I match. He is afraid he might get s omething from blood
that he doesn't know who gave it. I told him mine was old,
tired blood right now. This has
been the worse week physically and mentally we have had since we
have been here.I am sorry Heaven we missed your senior day......
Congratulations on all your awards and scholarships.
Memaw didn't want to miss your special day.
I wanted to see my little boy's (Jose) track meet today,
but will see it next year for
sure with a healed son. I was thinking of you for sure...

Love and prayers,

Terri and Michael

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