Just an update on Michael this morning. Talked with some last night on our way to the Emergency Room about 7:15pm. Michael became very weak and fatigued starting about 5:00pm yesterday and went downhill from there. He went to bed about 6:00pm so I knew something was brewing inside his body. Took his temp about 7:00pm and his temperature was 100.3 and then again at 7:15pm and it was 101.1. That is the signal to call the doctor and go to the emergency room. In about 3 minutes Dr. Ravi called us and advised me to take him to the emergency room. Got there about 7:40 and they took his vitals and such and did a blood culture on him. His fever got to 101.6 before it started coming down from the medicine they gave him. We left the hospital about 4:38 this morning and arrived at my brother-in-laws about 4:55 am. Not much traffic in Houston those hours. Just hoped and prayed I didn't meet a drunk or someone in the parking garage. Bless Michael's heart, he didn't want me pushing him to the car in a wheelchair....guess he wanted to look strong in case we encountered someone. Probably couldn't have knocked over a butterfly.....but he was my protection. God is good. This will halt our attempt to come home this weekend for certain as we have to go to the hospital each day until Tuesday to have them check his lungs and blood work. Oh the diagnosis from last night.....he has fluid on his lungs........couldn't conclude for certain that it was pneumonia, but probably is......Keep on Keeping on with you prayers....we are going to win this battle through the rough times as well.....maybe this was God's way of saying he wasn't strong enough to make the trip home and this is where He wants at this time.
Love to all,
Terri and Michael


  1. hope today is going better and you are both getting some much needed rest...Bless his heart for looking out for MOM....but that is just the kind of guy he is...everything before himself...hopefully you caught this in time and he will be on the med quickly...his body is just tired and fighting...but he is strong and has the MASTER on his side and he will get better...kinda sad that this round started so good to have gone down but that drug's name is "red devil"..but we are equiped to handle devils!! Take care and rest....BOTH of you!

    love ya'll

  2. It was good to hear from you tonight. I truly believe that you and Michael are on the right path. You are right where you need to be. I believe your decision making is right on target. You have your priorities in the order they need to be. Rest well tonight. You and Michael will both need it for the weekend. God bless and keep you both strong. Juda

  3. what a long night you had! We've been thinking about you & praying for you! Brie says our prayers at the dinner table & always includes michael. We love you & hope you have gotten some rest. Take care!

  4. Sorry that y'all had such a rough night. Hopefully Michael will feel better soon. Hope y'all get some rest through the weekend. Hang in there, you will get to come home before you know it.

    Our thoughts & prayers are with you. Freddie & Sara
